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Introduction and Overview
In a nutshell
Our mission is to get the information you want into your publication, hassle-free. Most publishers are discriminating about their content, so we will work with you to get exactly the right information, the correct fonts and colours, and the best image quality and delivery method.
What information?
Firstly, decide on the type of information you wish to include. You can choose from Tide graphs, sun rise and set times, moon rise and set times, moon phases, perigee and apogee, best fishing times and quality, informational text, and activity periods, such as best times for sailing or beach access. If your files are to be delivered daily then we can also supply wind and swell forecasts.
Which design?
Browse our website for designs used by others. We can modify any of these, combine elements from different designs, or create something entirely new.
There are three distinct types of design - Calendars, Monthly tables, and Daily graphs (TideGraphs).
We can deliver your graphics as PDF, EPS, or PNG files, depending on your requirements. Typically we generate a year's supply and email the files to your organisation, or they can be transferred on a regular basis - daily for instance - to an email address or to an FTP server. Our highly optimised files are surprisingly small and transfer quickly.
Where to now?
Email us with your requirements. We will need to know the places for which tides are desired, which design appeals and the modifications required, colour and font details, and the size constraints you have for the whole graphic. We will respond with a quote for setting up your graphic, and a price for each year's supply of files.