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Below is a selection of TideTables from our range of designs. Click on the image for a larger view, but please bear in mind that the quality of these samples is reduced in the interests of download speed.
Dimensions (w x h) are for the optimal size; all designs will scale up or down to some degree.   mm   cm   in   pt
208mm x 231mm
Table showing the high tide times for twelve places.
181mm x 283mm
Table showing tide times when there is a safe passage across a beach.
145mm x 104mm
A simple colourful tide table showing all tides for one place, laid out as a month in the form of a calendar.
A monthly table showing times and heights of all tides for six different places, in a compact format.
74mm x 40mm
A small, compact table showing sun rise and set times for nine places, for the start, middle, and end of the month.
94mm x 96mm
Compact Tide Table showing a month's tides for one place, plus the phases of the moon.
214mm x 291mm
A month's chart of tides and best fishing times suitable for radio broadcasting.
71mm x 85mm
Compact monthly chart, high and low tides and heights, Good/Fair/Bad fishing indicator.
159mm x 224mm
Text-only table with high water for two places and spanning two months.
261mm x 113mm
Basic tide table showing 3 months for one place, high and low waters with sun and moon times.
A comprehensive three-month diary with sun and moon times, plus fishing guide by the famous Bill Hohepa.
Use this design for a diary page, or a tide table that needs to cover a large regional area.
High tides only text file. Another example of raw source data for further formatting and publishing. This format is very flexible; we can provide any of our standard information in a line-per-day text file, with any kind of field separator.
100mm x 210mm
Based on one of the original "official" tide table formats, this design was used for years to make a sought after advertising brochure. Designed for A4 or Letter size paper, folded into thirds.
90mm x 150mm
Want to publish a small tide booklet covering 5 places? Pages output are ready for layup, especially if you want to output to an amateur or home printer. The handy page size (90mm wide x 150mm tall) fits nicely in a shirt pocket or tackle box.
51mm x 86mm
Another version of our "Wallet Series. See Design #51 for a similar design but with a more distinct title bar.
60mm x 84mm
Designed to produce the smallest possible tide table, our "Wallet" design is slightly larger than a business card. Ideal as small promotional tide booklet, or the EPS files can be placed to form a larger page or web composition.
78mm x 102mm
Designed for planning a daytime activity that depends on the times of high or low tides. Sunrise and sunset times are provided to indicate when daylight begins and ends. This is related to the tide tables which provide a range of times around a high or low tide.